Here is what it can look like when you have professionals install it and then Linda decorates.

As you can see by the picture above installing flooring is so easy you can do it by yourself. Linda and I put our own flooring in our kitchen four hundred and twelve years ago and it was so easy we swore we would never do it again. We only ruined about fifteen planks last time and made just under thirty trips to Menards to get things we forgot to buy but it went pretty smoothly otherwise.
This week we decided that since we were taking over the master bedroom it would be a great time to rip up the old carpet and padding and put in some nice modern flooring. We found some we liked on sale and with the room only being around 200 square feet we said we can knock this out in a morning.

The nice young man at Lowe's showed us a picture of how it goes together and he assured us it was easy peasy to put it in. With the tools we needed, padding, trim, and the flooring itself we spent around $600 total. More than I wanted to spend but not an insane amount. And of course by installing it ourselves we would be saving almost that much in labor on top of the product cost.
Up and at it early on Saturday morning swept up the floor one last time, laid the padding down, got the saws and other things we would need to bang this out by lunch and off we went. First piece went down, no problem as we high fived each other. Second piece wouldn't quite go together but we persevered and after only three minutes it was in place. Third piece was over the cold air return so that involved measuring twice and cutting once and then back into the room and snapped it in place, six times, and only fifteen minutes later we had our third piece in. The last one in the row was cut and installed in record time of five minutes and now after only thirty minutes we had the first row in place. Woo-Hoo!
Installing the second row involved pushing the first row out of its connections and after only forty-five minutes we had the second row in as we went back to reconnect the first row which then forced the second row out of place and we did this over and over and over. Now I'm sweating like a hooker in church and I'm thinking that Linda doesn't get to decide projects ever again as we get started on row three.
You'll be shocked to learn that it did not go as smooth as the first two rows went and after an hour of everything coming out of place I decided we needed a break and a drink of water. As we walked out of the room to the kitchen we were greeted by a nice large pool of pee in the family room where Ellie expressed her disappointment that she was not included in this project. As Linda cleaned up that mess and vowed to strangle the dog I returned to the bedroom and took apart all three, well two and a half, rows of flooring and decided to start all over now that I figured out how to put them together properly.
First row went in place in under five minutes. Progress. Linda returned and we started on row two and after some early success it all went to hell in a hand basket again and that is when I sent our ace handyman, Rogelio, (Roy), a text pleading with him for help. I am waiting for his reply and until then we are on time out.

This is how far we got in over two hours of work.
Easy my ass.