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Writer's pictureDan Marich

Nothing Has Changed

Unlike many of you apparently, I was not shocked that this fool got shot. I am shocked that it hasn't happened earlier. While in general I am not a fan of guns or shooting people my immediate reaction to this event was disappointment that it was unsuccessful. That is how deep my hate goes towards this worthless piece of humanity.

I'm not sorry that I felt that and if you are truthful with yourselves neither are most of you. Here is the reality, with him gone the distress, worry, and fear in this country would have lowered by noticeable levels immediately. Yes his most ardent supporters would have been devastated but the rest of the seventy percent of the country would have breathed a big sigh of relief.

Trump and many of his followers are still racists. They are not even trying to hide it any longer and haven't for some time. They are saying they love people of color yet everything they are planning says the opposite. Their remarks towards people of color sure sound a lot like the KKK and racist rants from others we've heard for years. Here is the thing. If you say things like they are saying and then you admit you don't think it is racist well guess what? It means you are racist yourself. Sorry to burst your bubble.

(Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation or race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.)

Folks, that is the platform of the GOP and Trump for this election and the future of our country. They are delightfully embracing authoritarianism and Trumps continued telling them that is what he plans on becoming if elected. Are you really thinking that the country will elect a guy and a party that is preaching this as our way of life? I sure don't think so. When we step in the election booth, or fill out our ballot to mail in are people really going to say, this is what our country needs, a dictator. Hell no!

Take the time to actually read what the Project 2025 is planning. These are, as of the last count, up to over two hundred of the people involved in Trumps election staff, White House staff, and part of his government when he was President. These are not some out of touch nuts, these are his core advisors and handlers. This will happen if he is elected and if you want to have the living shit scared out of you then please read this today.

How much more proof do you need to believe that this buffoon is hell bent of ripping up the Constitution. He already tried once and failed, barely. Now he has new sycophants on his team who will do as he wishes and you can believe this will only be a cute reminder of how things were here for 250 years.

This entire new Trumplican Party from the dear leader down to the dog catcher running for office are in lock step to end democracy and our republic. This is not me being a worry wart they are saying this every single day. Pease listen to them because they aren't even trying to fake it.

I have given up any hope of his cult to come back to earth one as they are too far gone to be saved, but the rest of us need to stay focused on the danger he and this party poses to our values, way of life, and freedoms. The GOP is dangerous and they need to be voted down at every single level this fall. Our country and our future ride on this and friends, the orange blob getting nicked in the ear by a failed assassin does not change the facts of this election.

Don't feel sorry for him, feel sorry for our country if he wins.

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