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Now It Starts

Writer's picture: Dan MarichDan Marich

The conventions are over, the candidates are set, and we are one week away from the "official" start of the campaigning season, Labor Day. From then to the election is a very short nine week window for both parties to make their cases to the American people. By now most of the voters have made up their minds and no matter what happens they won't be changed. For the 2% of the voting world who still hasn't decided, this is their time as everyone running for office will be doing all they can to get your support.

It's all down to these two. Kamala Harris for the Democrats and Donald Trump for the Republicans. The differences couldn't be more stark and if you watched both conventions you know that already. The GOP held a four day gripe fest and hate filled celebration of all they hold dear. Anti LGBTQ, anti women, anti immigrants, and anti democracy are the four pillars of their foundation.

Meanwhile the Democrats held a lovefest where they sang, cheered, and celebrated their new blood infused into the campaign by tossing aside Joe Biden for Harris. While the Republicans are trying to paint this as a coup against Biden, it wasn't. If he didn't want to step aside he wouldn't have had to but he put country ahead of party and did the honorable thing.

This election is more than Trump versus Harris. It is about who will control the Senate and the House where the real work should be getting done but where it has come to a standstill as the GOP spends all of its time on trying to prove that Biden is a criminal when there is nothing for them to base it on. The biggest waste of two years in our country's history in Washington and that is saying something.

While voters on both sides have slightly different ideas of what the problems are, as shown on the chart above upper right, there are three areas that everyone agrees on as kitchen table issues.

  1. Inflation. While it is at one of the lowest levels in years there is no denying that food has not retreated in cost like other goods. We all feel it at the grocery store and when we go out to eat. The issues are more complex than either side would like for you to believe but the reality is that it is what it is and we want both sides to tell us how they plan of fixing it.

  2. Economy. The US has the strongest economy in the world according to any metric you want to use. Here, above on the lower left, is the GDP growth and there is just no doubt our economy has recovered from the disaster of the last two years under Trump and Covid.

  3. Crime. All crime is down to levels we haven't seen in decades. There may be a pocket or two of areas that are still suffering but in general crime is down dramatically and everyone agrees that they are safer. Well, everyone that isn't a Republican.

What I didn't include here were immigration, Gaza, morality, abortion, and a few other hot button topics because we are so divided on these that one side feels an issue is far more important than the other side feels. How they vote will be based on how they feel about a certain issue for them. However I do want to talk about one of them. Immigration and the supposed crisis at our border.

I have some family and friends who have stopped talking to me because we are in disagreement about which party is right for our future in general and about the "crisis" at our border in specifics. As you can see by the pictures above we are being overwhelmed by millions of criminals trying to get in illegally. According to them, since Biden took over, countries from all over the globe are sending their insane, dangerous, and most vicious criminals to live here and cause untold harm to our poor citizens.

Again, you can see from these pictures how chaotic and evil these people are who are trying to forge a better life for themselves and their families. The border patrol is clearly stressed out as people are lined up, peacefully, waiting for their chance to plead their case to be let in. Clearly there are some that have grown frustrated with the slow pace of processing and are trying to teach their children how to climb over the fence to gain access while other groups of these dangerous families sit sadly and watch as their hope for freedom remains feet away.

I have some questions for those of you that think illegal immigration is the single biggest issue of all time.

As you sit in your gated community or secure condo how many of you have actually been involved with an illegal who threatened you or your way of life? How many of you have lost your job because an illegal has come in and taken away your six figure income? How many times has this incredible wave of illegals stopped you from going out to the store or dinner? And how many times have you been the victim of a violent crime by one of these groups of marauders?

That's what I thought, never. Your false claims of how much of a problem this is for you and your family is what we all know that it is, bullshit. This is nothing more than your cult leader spewing more false information to stir up you and the other lemmings in his base. The facts are the opposite. Immigrants are far less likely to be involved in crime than home grown people. You can look it up.

I know I keep wasting my breath and fingers writing and telling you that you are nuts and have lost your minds but I only want to help you return to earth one and regain your sanity. This is the most important election in our lifetimes. It is an election that will decide if our democracy, Constitution, and republic will survive or be destroyed for the pure pleasure of one twisted asswipe.

Forget your fake Christian values you so proudly proclaim all while hating people or groups that are different than you. And enough of the ridiculous claim that the left is forcing their beliefs down your throat when in fact you are the ones trying to force your beliefs down the rest of ours while all we want is to allow each of us to make their own choice on things.

Instead think about how your life will change if the GOP and Trump take control of our country. You will not have the opportunity to vote them out if they prove inept or dangerous because they are going to take that away from us. You will have your local alderman telling you what doctor you can see and what surgery you can have because they feel they know more than the medical profession what is best for you. Read Project 2025 because that is the foundation of this party and everything in there is what they will implement if elected.

Quit crying about shit that isn't an issue and open your eyes to the real problems facing our country and rejoin reality with the rest of us.

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